Saturday, June 30, 2007

car revised

Main character:: Slim Ideations

Hello again! So here are some exploration studies for my main character Slim. I want this character to stand in contrast to the world around him. Majority of the other character are really wacky and pushed. This character is more conservative because he takes himself really seriously.

Friday, June 29, 2007

My Style

Um, yeah. So I got sick of that one car i did about a year ago at Highmoon. I 've been thinking about doing this for a while. So finally last night i sat down and started it. This is a car idea that ive had for some time now based on tribal tattoo's. This is still the rough render so their will be a hell of a lot of changes the next post. I just layed in some color loosely to give me some kind of idea of where i want to take this. Yeah the next one will be in perspective.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Trumpet Ideations

What up' everybody! OK first post, um these are some trumpet ideas i was messing around with today. The trumpet is going to be used by my main character Slim.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Well this is my new blog. Gotta sketch more. Hopefully this will motivate me more. I'll be posting soon!